Monday, July 4, 2011


'Deliciously Ordinary' made its debut approximately two weeks ago.  I felt liberated, confident, and ready to take on the literary cyber world.  Yet, after my initial post I faced a devastating case of bloggers block.  I was taking pictures left and right and crossing my fingers that there would be a masterpiece buried in my cameras memory card.  I created clever and witty blog titles, did my best to catch aesthetically pleasing moments with my camera and hoped my words would capture an audience.  I was left underwhelmed and fairly discouraged.  How was I to embark on a fresh start without the words to describe the experience?  Each day presented a new challenge, anecdote and lovely recipe that I had been sincerely unable to put into words.  What was a blogger mama to do?

All 4th of July weekend I had been striving to achieve culinary impressivity.  Whether it be USA Cheesecake, Made In America Chip Dip or Patriotic Fruit Salad, I'd been determined to prepare SOMETHING, or heck, ANYTHING for the various BBQ's we'd been invited to.  All the while secretly hoping that the weekend may yield the perfect blog post come Tuesday. 

At around 9pm we shuffled our cute tooshies into the back of the truck and setup shop.  We were anxious, and fully equipped for a serious fireworks show.  After an exhausting and exhilarating Independence Weekend we couldn't handle much more, but were ready for every explosion the night sky had to offer.  I have to admit that Gentry's neverending energy had weighed on every ounce of patience my spirit possessed, but as the first burst penetrated the night sky any residual worries abandoned my soul.  This was the inspiration I had yearned for since my initial blog post.  There was nothing above ordinary in that moment, other then the fact that I would not trade it in for all the riches in the world.  Gentry sat in awe as each patriotic glimmer filled the canvas above us.  I knew that millions shared this emotional moment with us, and yet it was unique, special and so deliciously ordinary. 
He was wearing orange, which so defies everything patriotic, and is therefore my partner in 'ordinary' crime.  How could you not love this delicious little man?

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